

Tottenham Hotspurs. Pride of North London. Home of the Brave. Land of the Ever-Hopeful.

Ok, so I might have gone a tad overboard with my opening, but that is to be expected after a lifetime of sporting tragedy and triumph following my beloved Spurs.

I can cast my mind back to the first football match I attended. It was an experience I will never forget. One thing gripped me in particular.

Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of voices, united in song, undivided in their appreciation and affection for their mortal heroes doing battle on the field…

Yahweh. God Almighty. Commander in Chief of the Armies of Heaven. He who lives outside the curve of time and yet is an ever present help. The One whose grace pursued us through the pages of history before stepping onto the plane of human existence and leaving an indelible mark in the Person of Jesus Christ.

That, my dear reader, is not overboard. If anything, my description of the One who is Love is mightily underwhelming. I could not possibly find the words to fully encompass who He is.

We live our lives gathering around the reality of who He is. It is this reality that moves thousands of us to stand united in song, undivided in our appreciation and affection for our divine Saviour.

‘Let my heart be undivided to your name’

The above line is not a fleeting, emotionally-driven reaction. It is a response that withstands the ups and downs of life. The line embodies a resolve that withstands loss and heartache. It indicates a commitment that stands up to temptations that lie at the door to success. It's a declaration that can and will elevate us to the highest heights of achievement and also console us in the deep valleys of our failures.

As more and more people begin to embed this refrain in their hearts then we will witness a generation of undivided hearts become an undivided family. For centuries, we have paid the painful price of division in Christendom. Dogmatic opinion, petty dissension, perceived cultural differences, and even political association has attempted to steal the blessing that accompanies a unified family. However, I am fully persuaded that if my heart remains undivided, and your heart remains undivided, then we will never be able to tear ourselves apart as we live our lives before Father.

It is then, and only then, that Heaven will be undivided from Earth. 


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